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Siren detection at Waterkant exhibition

Siren detection at Waterkant exhibition

Come to the Waterkant exhibition and experience the sonoware siren detection live! Together with our friends of MoinCC (Kiel University’s experts for biomedical imaging) we have put together a stand-up display about different applications of artificial intelligence. We have included a microphone, our algorithm for siren detection and a real-time monitor which shows the currently predicted class probabilities. Visitors may play different siren sounds to trigger the siren detection or even try to fool the algorithm by imitating siren sounds. Be warned, that’s pretty difficult – but at least you might be able to trigger the “honk” class.

If you are around, we highly recommend visiting the exhibition or even the main Waterkant Festival. Waterkant brings together start-ups and innovative companies from Schleswig-Holstein and the surroundings, including Denmark. On top, the MFG-5 area is a really nice spot and the Waterkant Café is opened at weekends until the end of August.

By the way, our siren-detection demo has also been part of the #diwokiel23.