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ZIM funding granted

ZIM funding granted

sonoware is granted funds from the ZIM programme for a cooperation with two chairs of Kiel University. Within this AMBIT project, we and our partners will develop an ultrasonic device for measuring porosity of human bones for predicting osteoporosis.

The AMBIT (Acoustical Multipath Bone Investigator) project is a cooperation of three parters from research institutes and the industry:

  • Prior work in the field has been done by the Molecular Imaging North Competence Center (MOIN CC) - they even hold a patent on the basic principle. Prof. Glüer and his team contribute their experience with the sensing principle, medical background and perform verifications of the developed protopye in action.
  • The research group for Sensor System Electronics at the Faculty of Engineering of Kiel University, chaired by Prof. Bahr, will develop the next generation of the measurement probe. It consists of multiple ultrasonic tranducers, driver hardware and the analog-to-digital interface.
  • sonoware contributes the digital signal processing for generating probe signals and estimating the bone’s material properties from the reflected sound.

The cooperation of us three partners is made possible by funding from the ZIM programme (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand). It aims at bringing reseach institutes and small/medium firms togther for developing new and innovative products. Thanks for the boost!

For more info about the project, please see the press release of Kiel University (in German language only).